Çerez Örnek


Academic Staff

Our observatory gained legal personality under the name of "Ege University Observatory" in 1967, affiliated to the Faculty of Science, and its regulation was accepted by the Senate's decision dated 26.12.1967 and numbered 30-3 and published in the Legal Gazette dated 27.01.1968. Ege University Observatory gained the status of an institute under the name of Ege University Astronomy Research Institute on 5.11.1976. With the law numbered 2010, which entered into force on 18.05.1976, 2 professors, 3 associate professors, 6 assistants, 4 specialists and 4 researchers were assigned to this institute. Later, after the enactment of the Statutory Decree on the Organization of Higher Education Institutions, the title of the institute was abolished and it was transformed into the Ege University Astronomy Research and Application Center affiliated to the Faculty of Science with the decision of the Ege University Senate dated 13.04.1982. After the Decree Law No. 78, which reorganized the academic staff at universities, came into force on 16.09.1983, academic and scientific studies continued under the Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences.

Ege Üniversitesi