Çerez Örnek


  1. All our events are limited to quota. If you do not give information before your visit to our institution, you will not be allowed to enter the observatory.


  1. There is a 6-year-old limit for our events (except for special events for certain age groups). Children aged 10 and under can participate in the event accompanied by a parent or teacher.


  1. Transportation to our observatory belongs to the participants. The physical conditions related to the location of the observatory should be considered by the participants (appropriate vehicle, driving experience, etc.). Our institution is not responsible for the risks that may occur. Information about the paid shuttle services will be announced on the observatory's website in events with high participation.


  1. The dates of the events may be changed or canceled from time to time due to bad weather conditions or technical problems. In such a case, the procedure to be applied is determined by our institution and announced on our observatory website. It is the participant's responsibility to receive up-to-date information on whether the relevant event has been canceled and the new date and time of an event whose date has been changed.


  1. It should be taken into account by our participants that our observatory is at an altitude of approximately 650 m and the weather conditions may be different from those in the city. Be prepared for all weather conditions. It is recommended that you choose comfortable clothes that will not restrict your movement, and that you may need clothes (coats, raincoats, berets, gloves, hats, sunglasses, sunscreen creams, etc.) according to the season, considering that the weather conditions may change.


  1. Participants with health problems are recommended to consult their doctor before the event. These participants are required to have the necessary medicines, devices and supporting materials they need with them. 


  1. In our events with high participation, food and beverage service (table d'hote and food) will be provided by a licensed catering company for a fee. Participants should take this into account. Participants who do not provide their own food and drink, but want to be provided by the Observatory, are required to provide information on this subject before the program is established.


  1. All kinds of devices, equipment and goods (telescopes, experimental tools, educational visuals, etc.) used by our institution belong to Ege University. All kinds of damages that may occur to these equipment from the participants are collected from the participant and/or participants who caused the damage. Participants participating in the event are required to use the observatory buildings and its surroundings, taking into account the warnings.


  1. There are garbage collection areas in the event area, in and around the observatory, and environmental cleaning is our responsibility. Likewise, it is necessary to pay attention not to harm the environment, trees, plants, grass and especially not to throw cigarette butts.


  1. Considering that Ege University Observatory is an education and research center, all legal regulations valid in educational institutions (not using prohibited substances and not exhibiting behaviors contrary to the general ethical rules of society and similar) are valid. For this reason, our institution reserves the right to remove these persons from the institution for any reason in the events and actions of the participants in violation of the legal regulations. Participants cannot engage in attitudes and behaviors contrary to general morality and good manners that will disturb other participants. 


  1. Our institution cannot be held responsible for the negative situations (poisoning, injury, judicial and police cases, etc.) and material and moral damages that the participants may experience during the events. 


  1. During the event, escrow items are not accepted by our institution. We recommend that you do not bring valuables with you that you cannot afford to lose. If the unclaimed items in the event area are not taken by the end of the day after the event, the items are delivered to the nearest police station with a report. 


  1. It is forbidden to bring all kinds of poisonous, flammable-inflammable materials, tins, camp stoves, fireworks, weapons or sharp objects to the events that endanger the safety of the participants. 


  1. Vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, trailers, caravans, and bicycles are not allowed to enter the event area without the approval of the institution.


  1. It is strictly forbidden to distribute all kinds of brochures and promotional materials during our events.


  1. Pets are kindly requested not to be brought to the venue due to the intensity of the activity area.


  1. Audio and video recorders and drones cannot be used in our events without permission. Again, without permission, images and/or audio recordings during the events cannot be quoted, visual and/or audio recordings containing the images of the conferences cannot be distributed to the public, cannot be published in visual and written media and social media.


  1. During the observatory visits, our participants allow the institution to photograph themselves during the event, to include them in the video shoot and to use them in the promotional videos of the institution after the event.


  1. Our institution assumes all responsibility that the participant has read these conditions during the application belongs to the participant. Those who participate in our events are deemed to have accepted all these conditions.   


  1. The Participant accepts, declares and undertakes that he will act in accordance with all the conditions, explanations and all applicable legislation in the Event Participation Conditions, otherwise all legal, penal and financial responsibilities that may arise due to these notifications and illegal use belong to him.

Ege Üniversitesi