Çerez Örnek




Legal Gazette      12 August 2009 WEDNESDAY       No : 27317 



Purpose, Scope, Basis and Definitions


          ARTICLE 1 – (1) The purpose of this Regulation; It is to regulate the procedures and principles regarding the aims, fields of activity, administrative bodies, duties of the governing bodies and the way of working of the Ege University Observatory Application and Research Center, which was established under Ege University.


          ARTICLE 2 – (1) This Regulation covers the provisions regarding the aims, fields of activity, management bodies, duties and working principles of the Ege University Observatory Application and Research Center, which was established under Ege University.


          ARTICLE 3 – (1) This Regulation has been prepared on the basis of the 14th article and 2nd sub-clause of the clause d of the first paragraph of the 7th article of the Higher Education Law dated 4/11/1981 and numbered 2547.


          ARTICLE 4 – (1) In this regulation;

          a) Center: Ege University Observatory Application and Research Center,

          b) Center Manager: The Manager of the Center,

          c) Central Administrative Board: The Administrative Board of the Center,

          ç) Rector: Rector of Ege University,

          d) University: Ege University




Objectives and Fields of Activity of the Center, Governing Bodies and Duties

          The aims and fields of activity of the center

          ARTICLE 5 – (1) Merkezin amacı ve faaliyet alanları şunlardır:

          a) To organize and carry out scientific studies and activities in the field of astronomy, to support and develop education, and to organize activities for the public within the framework of science-society projects,

          b) To promote the sky and celestial bodies to foreign and domestic visitors, to organize educational activities, special days for the public, and to provide consultancy services to institutions and organizations in need, within the framework of the provisions of the relevant legislation,

          c) To provide and develop the necessary facilities for the production of observations and data to be made within the framework of scientific research, to create a library and archive,

          d) To make mutual scientific cooperation by exchanging materials and personnel with domestic and foreign similar institutions,

          e) To provide the necessary opportunities for the courses and applications in the undergraduate and graduate education programs of the Faculty of Science, Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences,

          f) To support the training of academic staff and students who will carry out research and applications in the working area of the Observatory,

          g) To prepare auxiliary education-communication tools and similar publications in printed and electronic media in order to encourage research and applications and to announce the researches; To organize seminars, courses, conferences, summer and winter schools, national and international meetings, to issue certificates related to these studies when necessary,

          ğ) To make suggestions to the relevant academic units to send short or long-term staff to the country and abroad in order to support education and training in the fields of interest of the Observatory, or to invite academics from home or abroad,

          h) To establish new and improved observation units and planetariums (Planetarium) affiliated to the observatory, in cooperation with public and private institutions, and to provide the necessary observation tools and equipment,

          ı) To carry out other activities suitable for the purpose given by the Rectorate.

          The governing bodies of the center

          ARTICLE 6 – (1)  The governing bodies of the Center are:

          a) Center Manager,  

          b) Central Administrative Board.


          ARTICLE 7 – (1) Center Manager; He/she is appointed by the Rector for three years, preferably from among the faculty members of the Faculty of Science, Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences. The Center Manager, whose term has expired, may be reassigned.

          (2) The Director of the Center appoints a faculty member as the Deputy Director of the Center to assist him/her.

          (3) The Director of the Center leaves the Deputy Director of the Center when he/she is not on duty, and if the Deputy Director of the Center is not found, one of the members of the Central Executive Board as him/her deputy.

          Duties of the Center Manager

          ARTICLE 8 – (1) Merkez Müdürünün görevleri şunlardır:

          a) Merkez Yönetim Kuruluna başkanlık etmek,

          b) To carry out projects and mutual assistance in accordance with the purpose by cooperating with the relevant centers and organizations in the country and abroad on scientific and technical issues,

          c) To carry out the administrative relations of the center, to prepare the budget proposal and submit it to the Rectorate,

          d) To prepare the annual activity report of the Center, to submit it to the Rectorate after receiving the opinion of the Central Executive Board.

          Central Administrative Board

          MADDE 9 – (1) The Central Administrative Board consists of five people, including the Center Director, who is a natural member. The other four are appointed by the Rector for three years, preferably from among the faculty members of the Faculty of Science, Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences. When the duty of the Director of the Center ends, the duties of the members of the Central Administrative Board automatically end.

          (2) The Central Administrative Board meets at least once a month upon the invitation of the Center Director.

          Duties of the Central Administrative Board

          MADDE 10 – (1) The duties of the Central Administrative Board are:

          a) To determine the working order of the Center in accordance with this Regulation and the purpose of its establishment,

          b) In line with the aims of the establishment, examining the project applications and deciding on the appropriate ones and the form of support,

          c) Assisting the Center Manager in the preparation of the annual activity report and approving the report,

          ç) To determine the principles of the Center regarding the supported research and practices in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation,

          e) To decide on the application requests of the researchers and practitioners on research and publication issues.



Miscellaneous and Final Provisions

          Matters not included in the regulation

          ARTICLE 11 – (1) In matters not covered by this Regulation and in matters related to the Center's services within the scope of revolving funds; The provisions of the Ege University Revolving Fund Management Regulation and other relevant legislation, published in the Legal Gazette dated 25/1/2000 and numbered 23944, shall apply.


          ARTICLE 12 – (1) This Regulation enters into force on the date of its publication.


          ARTICLE 13 – (1) The provisions of this regulation are executed by the Rector of Ege University.



Ege Üniversitesi